The Zuiderkerkprijs is organised by the city of Amsterdam and presented to the architect and client of the best new housing project in the city. We are super happy and honored to receive this prestigious award.

As the jury stated in its report: ‘Jonas is a residential building where everything comes together: elegant architecture, beautiful outdoor spaces, a stunning interior, numerous shared facilities, and delightful apartments. This project immediately gives the jury a wow feeling, and that feeling doesn’t fade during the visit. Jonas continues to surprise each time. The jury appreciates how Orange Architects has elegantly designed this ‘superblock.’ It’s not just another boxed housing block but a beautifully folded structure on a promontory. Almost like a sculpture, yet restrained at the same time.’ Thank you, Peter Boelhouwer, Ronald Janssen, Bastiaan Jongerius, and Marieke Giele, for this recognition and these beautiful words.

A special ‘thank you!’ goes out to our client, Amvest, who dared to undertake this adventure with us and never stopped believing in Jonas; from the winning tender in 2017 until the final delivery. Our appreciation extends to everyone who played a vital role in bringing Jonas to life: our dedicated team members from ABT bv, Felixx Landscape Architects & Planners, Site and Pubblik&Vos, as well as all the ‘makers,’ including Ballast Nedam West, WVH Gevelprojecten, and HARRYVAN interieurbouw.

This year’s beautiful ruby-red trophy was designed by Laura de Wilde, and it will have a special place in our office!

Read more about the project >