Waalfront lies to the west of the medieval city of Nijmegen. The site is special because of the presence of many historical layers of time. In the master plan drawn up by Waalfront Development Company, a joint venture between BPD and the Municipality of Nijmegen, the layers of time are revealed in an attractive and residential urban expansion. The commission was for the design of three urban villas located in a public park beside the River Waal. The proposal, drawn up in close cooperation with Bureau Oslo landscape architects, comprises 42 spacious apartments in three building volumes, designed as ‘pavilions’ and set in greenery.

Park Fort Krayenhoff is designed for BPD Noord-Oost & Midden. Landscape design by Bureau Oslo, built by Trebbe Bouw. Photography by Sebastian van Damme.

Go to the project page > for more info and images or send an e-mail to press@orangearchitects.nl for the press kit.