The past weeks were like a rollercoaster; presenting Jonas to the public for the first time, the project featured in Jaarboek Architectuur in Nederland 2022 / 2023, winning BNA Best Building of the Year 2023 AND NOW an Architizer’s Popular Choice A+ Award in the category Mid Rise Multi-Unit Housing. The response was, and still is, overwhelming! We’re beyond proud with the recognition for the project.

We would like to thank everybody that voted for Jonas! And last but not least we would like to thank team Jonas: Amvest, ABT bv, Ballast Nedam West, Bureau Stadsnatuur, Felixx Landscape Architects, Floor Ziegler, JMJ Bouwmanagement, Merktuig,  Pubblik&Vos, Sebastian van Damme, SmitsRinsma, SITE Urban Development, all subcontractors, manufacturers and other involved parties. We can’t wait to see Jonas and its community blossom over the coming years.