Jonas has won 2 BREEAM awards in an award winning ceremony last evening in London!
Two times a winner with the BREEAM 2020 awards! Last night Jonas won in two categories, ‘Homes-Design Stage Award’ en ‘Regional Award-Western Europe’. Paul Kierkels from Orange Architects and Nick Vlaun from ABT attended the award ceremony in London yesterday, representing the Jonas project team. The integral concept is designed by Orange Architects, ABT and Felixx Landscape Architects for Amvest.
The jury praises Jonas in their report: ‘Its mix of sound but innovative technical solutions, widespread engagement and broader community benefit meant it stood out from the crowd. A powerful example for others.’
Receiving two BREEAM awards feels as a huge compliment and reward for our team efforts!
Congrats to the whole team; Amvest, Orange Architects, ABT, Felixx Landscape Architects, SITE urban development, Floor Ziegler, Pubblik&Vos, Sprangers Bouwbedrijf, Bureau Stadsnatuur and Build2Live.